50% off all online orders from Feb 20th-Mar 14th
Our mission is to make dining out easier and more fun for families.

Our Story


Life changes when we have kids. Life gets busier, sillier, messier, more joyful, and so much more.

City life can also get more difficult. Transport and travel are harder. Finding somewhere to eat with kids is nearly impossible, stressful, and time-consuming.

When I had my son who I dearly call “Nugget” in 2019, I discovered that even finding a cup of coffee became a challenge. 

Does the café have a baby change? Can my pram fit in the door? Should I just stay at home? 

My husband had similar frustrations when he changed nappies on the back of a toilet or on the floor since the men’s room rarely has a baby change.

It shouldn't be so hard to get out of the house together, no matter the age of the child.

Parenthood should be about exploration and discovery, not hurdles and limitations.

So Nugget was born - out of necessity to make it easier to enjoy city life together.

We'll save you time and stress by giving you the details you need combined with trusted reviews from other parents.

Join us as we uncover hidden gems, explore new places, and redefine what it means to be family-friendly.

Together, let's raise the bar and create a world where families feel welcome and supported wherever they go.

Thanks for joining us.

-Faith Lyons and Hope Adair

Founders and mums


A world where families can more easily enjoy city life and travel together.


Our mission is to make dining out easier and more fun for families.


Be Kind

We want all to feel welcome, no matter their age.

We want our kids to see the best of us and the best of those around us, so we choose kindness and remember that we all have our off-days.

Be Helpful

We contribute reviews to help families find restaurants and to help restaurants make easy tweaks to fill more seats with happy diners.

We want restaurants to know how much we appreciate their spaces so we take care of our mess the best we can.

Be Curious

We are eager to explore new food, restaurants, neighbourhoods, cities, and countries together.

We value experiences that show our kids the beauty of the diverse world around us.